пятница, 14 августа 2015 г.

complexes list

     Here is a list of my complexes. In this list you will find the female complexes too. This is normal. The writer have in himself the complexes of both sexes.
  • Achievement complex (strong feelings of motivation to accomplish tasks and be creative)
  • Addictions complex (emotions and behaviors derived from addictions e.g. unhappiness whenever we surrender to an addiction)
  • Abandonment complex (emotions and behaviors derived from fear of being abandoned, often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy)
  • Anima complex  (feminine inner personality of the male)
  • Animus complex (masculine inner personality of the female)
  • Authority complex (intense desire to be in charge of people and things)
  • Brother complex (emotions of excessive love towards the brother, often leading to over-protectiveness or sexual attraction)
  • Cinderella complex (desire of being taken care of by others in response to fear of independence)
  • Dance complex (emotions and behaviors derived from fear and insecurities regarding your dancing skills)
  • Electra complex (daughter’s desire to possess her father)
  • Failure complex (emotions and behaviors derived from fear of failing, often leading to a self-fulfilling prophecy)
  • Father complex (emotions and behaviors driven by positive or negative impulses towards the father – similar to Electra complex)
  • Food complex (emotions and behaviors derived from food e.g. depression because of consuming unhealthy food)
  • God complex (arrogantly believing that you are better than the rest of humans and above rules)
  • Hero complex (constantly feeling the desire to help others)
  • Honor complex (intense need of maintaining a high level of respect from others in our daily life)
  • Inferiority complex (perceiving yourself as inferior to others)
  • Intelligence complex (emotions and behaviors derived from our perception of our level of intelligence)
  • Love complex (emotions and behaviors circulating around love such as a constant desperate need to be loved)
  • Madonna-whore complex (male perception of women as either ‘whores’ or ‘ladies’ and inability to achieve sexual and emotional satisfaction by the same woman usually as a result of a cold and distant mother)
  • Martyr complex (unconscious desire of suffering and being a victim)
  • Messiah complex (individual’s belief that his purpose of existence is to become a savior)
  • Money complex (emotions and behaviors placing money in the center of our life)
  • Mother complex (emotions and behaviors driven by positive or negative impulses towards the mother such as exaggeration of the feminine side – similar to Oedipus complex)
  • Napoleon complex (type of inferiority complex found in some physically short people – also known as Short Man Syndrome)
  • Obstacles complex (emotions and behaviors focused on obstacles when making arrangements)
  • Oedipus complex (son’s desire to possess his mother
  • Opinion complex (emotions and behaviors derived from a high level of importance placed on the opinion of other people and what they think of you)
  • Peter Pan complex (desire to remain a child and avoid the responsibilities of adults)
  • Recognition complex (emotions and behaviors derived from our efforts to receive approval from other people)
  • Sister complex (emotions of excessive love towards the sister, often leading to over-protectiveness or sexual attraction)
  • Sociability complex (emotions and behaviors derived from our perception of our social life)
  • Status complex (emotions and behaviors derived from our perception of our social status)
  • Success complex (intense feelings of motivation to be successful in life – similar to achievement complex)
  • Superiority complex (perceiving yourself as superior to others)
  • Superman complex (feeling that others cannot perform one or more tasks successfully and sense of responsibility to save others)

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